Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mak Su Yang *Baik* =P

adakah saya seorang mak su yang baik??i don't know..
But i don't think i am.
To my nephews and nieces (ha ha...mcm la semua org bace blog ni),
I'm sorry.
Everytime i want to open my mouth and talk, i just can't. or couldn't..heck, pegi mampus dgn grammar aku hari ni..*sigh*
You may see me as seorang maksu yang garang or maybe sombong, but the truth is..i'm not.
One of ur makcik (and she's maybe ur mom, hehe), said that i hide diamonds in my mouth. Ha ha.
I'm maybe good only at giving money or gifts or food(bagi duit mase raya je kot, and perhaps kadang2 if you datang to my house), but i really want to have a conversation with you all..
The problem is, rase macam awkward.Like when i try to talk to my eldest brother. Pathetic?yes, i think i am. *sigh*
So please, dear nephews and nieces...help your aunty here. Ha ha

1 comment:

illi said...

chill...anda seorang mak su yang baik....

ingat kan ada harta karun dalam mulut...
tape tape...