Monday, November 10, 2008


I'm proud of myself, really..because i have made an appointment with the ENT at KJMC hospital (baru appointment je). Nevertheless, if it comes from a grown woman of 26 years of age yang takut nak jumpa doc, then it can be considered as satu achievement yg membanggakan right?Yes Sir!hah! My appointment with the specialist is scheduled at 10 a.m. tomorrow. And i'm going there by myself, alone. The panel clinic doctor said that most probably i have polyps in my left nostril. The polyps in my nostril looks more or less like the pic above. It's kinda hard to breathe when i have flu, like now. One of my officemate, she had similar problem like mine before, and she had to undergo a minor surgery, to remove the polyps. Perhaps i should ask the doc to perform reconstructive surgery as well kan?Buat hidung aku lagi mancung!hakhakhak..u wish! Astaghfirullah...tak bersyukur betul kan?...hehehe..gurau je. If aku kene operate, jgn lupe dtg visit aku ye...bwk donut J.CO flavor mango dgn yg strawberry tu ye. Time kasih. =)
Ohkay, polyps matter aside... I have scheduled my activities sepanjang minggu ni and below are the activities yang i planned to do:
1) Pegi Plaza Alam Sentral (esok)--> Survey and hopefully dapat order banner yang murah for the workshop thingy
2) Plaza lama Sentral (esok)---> Survey souvenier for the workshop
3) Gunting Rambut (Friday masa lunch hour)
4) Tempah baju (lunch hour hari khamis)
5) Survey harga bicycle yang utk exercise tu..hihihi

1 comment:

anna said...

itu mcm resdung yg dh worsen ke?

tanya doc nanti eh...

nostril aku belah kiri pon susah oksigen nk g thru..doc kata resdung.