Monday, November 10, 2008


I am in the middle of doing this KRA thing (Key Responsible Area) for my dept,and yet i still want to write sumthin here. Mmg dasar sah tangan gatal!
Actually last weekend, my family and i went to PD and to my disappoinment, the beach was dirty and the water...yuck!..i cringe when i think of dipping my feet in the water!I tell you....malaysians mmg pengotor! Bole ade bra lagi dlm air tuh!Cissss.....Dah buat 'projek', bole pulak tinggalkan bra dlm laut!oh,for your info, kitorang tinggal kat Ancasa Suite and Resort. I will upload the pics later ya.
The water is one thing, another thing is my nose. Why? Serombong i dah tersumbat uoal!!!Imagine, kat tepi laut dalam cuaca panas tu pun dia boleh nak tersumbat lagi tuh! Remind me to make an appointment with KJMC ENT,ohkay,for i couldn't stand sleepless nights any longer..I suffer, i tell you....Breathe thru my mouth, and end up getting my perut bloated!! And the next day, i terkentut2 kat ofis!(and dengan bangganya announce kat officemate!How appropriate!)Ha ha..

Serombong tersumbat aside...yg buat i happy tibe2 adalah apabila kakak secretary dept i announce yang my boss will be on leave smpai Friday!Yeay!!!!Enjoy katak laa..Remind me to start schedule my activities semasa ketiadaan bos saya esok ye. Tenkiu..

1 comment:

anna said...

jadi kera la uols ye bile boss tiada..