Thursday, March 18, 2010

High Maintenance????

This matter has been in my mind for quite awhile.High maintenance kah aku?
Does membeli barang2 yang berkualiti (berkualiti sangatla kan) can be considered as high maintenance?
Or membeli lens (semakin addicted to contact lens ye) setiap 2 bulan boleh dikira as high maintenance?
When i buy things, I prefer if the stuff yang nampak classy, meaning, yang tak akan run out of season sampai bila-bila. Walaupun mahal sikit, tapi berbaloi,sebab benda tu tak out of season..Betul tak? And I'm proud to say that I'm not a fashion victim, because when i buy stuff (clothes, shoes, etc, etc), I will buy it based on the functionality of that particular stuff.
Actually, yang made merapu about high maintenance ni is because my "kembar" at the office told me that, masa mula2 kenal dulu, based on first impression, I looked like someone yang susah untuk di'maintain'.Senang cerita, high maintenance la kan.The idea is quite amusing gak, sebab I never thought myself in that way.It's interesting to know other people's opinion, especially when it is regarding you.
So, what say you about me?I would like to know more....

1 comment:

naj said...

this is very subjective... too me it's ok to spent more on a quality stuff as long as you can use for al onger time.. i don't believe in spending less but frequently.. hehehe

so my dear noya, u know yourself better than anyone... as long as u r happy with it than just carry on...