Thursday, March 18, 2010


Baru siang tadi, I just realized that aku sangat la ketinggalan zaman!


Well, macam ni..Pagi td I went for a product briefing dgn GM division aku, so, as usual, I brought my planner and notebook together. While listening to the Ah Pek (hahaha!) punye presentation, aku belek2 planner tu, al-maklumla..dah lama tak belek2 planner tu. Dalam planner tu, ada macam2 notes yang aku tulis,contohnya:
1) My monthly budget - sundries, kutu, hutang, etc, etc
2) Weekly Planning untuk keje - Nak buat ape for that week
3) Bday dates siblings, friends, and tak ketinggalan - my ex-tunang punye bday date (well, what do ya expect, planner tu utk 2009, uoll!!!). Owh, today bday dia. Sempat gak la wished happy bday kat dia. But no presents. Yup.
4) Yang paling nostalgik - part where aku tulis barang2 hantaran yang kitorang plan nk beli and dah beli, names of caterers, budget, theme color and whatnots.
5) Kat calendar punye section - Proposed dates for nikah, sanding and all.(Hah!)
Lepas tu, ada plak receipt booking baju pengantin kat celah2 pocket planner tu! Blur kejap, sejak bila pulak ada receipt tu ah?Bukan dah bagi kat Hisham ke?Ntah!
Anywayyysss...Mula2 ingatkan nak throw away je the planner,tapi macam sayang pulak. Sbb lawa. And colour kulit planner tu my favourite colour - metallic purple ye. Bukan sebab of the memories or notes yang ada dalam tu, tapi sebab dia lawa, and agak mahal gak la harga dia dulu.He he.
Tapi, takpe la kan. Simpan je la kot planner tuh. Takde sape nak marah kan? *wink*

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