Monday, March 29, 2010

DAY 1 of NO CAFFEINE, NO SWEET FOOD PLEDGE!'s now 4.14 p.m., and I can barely open my eyes. Today is the 1st day of my no caffeine, no sweet food day. And so far, I haven't drink any drinks containing caffeine - Coffee, nescafe, but erm...a bit of root beer this morning. (Just a sip!)Hehe.
Regarding the sweet food, I failed to restraint myself from eating that darn Oreos!!!!Daymmmnnnn!!!!!Get them away from meeeeeee.....
However, I'm proud of myself - for I have beginning to stick to the "Only Drink Green Tea the Whole Day Routine". Ha, ambik ko!Nak gi toiletttt je dah nihhhh!!!
Maynnnn...I need something to chewwwww...Nak tertido dah niii..And the fact that it's raining heavily outside won't help me eitherrrrr...
I need my caffeine fixxxxx!!!!


Anonymous said...

whats wrong with caffeine....It feels good ...dont they
and they are 0 calories
except if you add them with sugar

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