Tuesday, December 2, 2008

owh..for the sake of losing weight!

En. Hisham just bought me the dance pad (PS2) and I have tried dancing on it a couple of times. At first, I thought dancing on the pad is easy, but boy o boy, it was hard! Sakit kepala lutut aku! I think i have chosen the wrong kind of song, mana tak nye, start2 je dah pilih lagu "La Bamba". Laju sungguh lagu tuh!Penat aku nk kejar. I think I looked like a total dork dancing on the pad!Hah! For the time being, I only have 2 dancing DVDs, one is ohkay but the other.....Man! Lagu techno jinjang dari Sg. Way!Hahahaha..tapi hentam sajalah. Asalkan i sweat my ass off and burn all the stubborn bulges.Hah!

For the last 4 days, i have followed strictly on my routine, which is to exercise for at least 30 minutes (tak kira la on the treadmill, the bicycle (I bought the bicycle already, yay!), or the dance pad. But usually after i exercised on the bike, i dance for about 30 minutes more on the dance pad. Kalau tak kurus gak tak tau la..

Wish me luck!


illi said...

wah...best tuh...

ridiculously ridiculous said...

hahha..bile awk dtg umah maksu, bole la awk try menatang tuh.Hihihii..